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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Vol. 1 No. 35 (2023)

Anatomic and histologic characterization of gastric cancer in a Guatemalan endoscopic center

Artículos científicos
Published: 2023-11-20


Introduction: Gastric cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Its histological and anatomical classification can predict the clinical and prognostic behavior of the disease. According to Lauren's classification, it is divided into intestinal, diffuse, and mixed types, anatomically it can be divided into proximal and distal. Intestinal and proximal tumors show the best prognosis. H. pylori infection is considered the leading cause of gastric cancer worldwide. Even though there is a high prevalence of gastric cancer in Guatemala, there are few studies that provide information on its characteristics.

Objective: To describe the endoscopic and histological characteristics of gastric cancer in an endoscopic center in Guatemala.

Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, observational study carried out with records of patients diagnosed at the Gastro Centro S.A. center. Endoscopic and histopathological reports of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer during the years 2018 to 2022 were reviewed.

Results: 102 cases of gastric cancer were found, of which 99 corresponded to adenocarcinomas. The mean age of the patients was 57.57 ± 16.34 years, of which 57 (55.58%) were men. The diffuse type was the most frequent histopathological variant with 48 (48.5%) cases. Anatomically, 55 (55.6%) of the cases were distal tumors. The presence of H. pylori was identified in 78 (78.8%) of the tumors.


Key words: Gastric cancer, gastric tumor, gastric adenocarcinoma, gastric histology, H. pylori.


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  • Mynor Aguilar Hernández
  • Juan Alvarado Muñoz
Palabras clave: gastric cancer gastric tumor gastric adenocarcinoma gastric histology Helicobacter pylori

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How to Cite

Aguilar Hernández, M., & Alvarado Muñoz , J. (2023). Anatomic and histologic characterization of gastric cancer in a Guatemalan endoscopic center. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina, 1(35), 7–24.